Kid Interview Questions: Creating Family Memories Through Conversations

TL;DR: Want to capture your kid’s personality and create lasting memories? Turn on your phone’s recorder and interview them! Start with easy questions, then dig deeper into what makes them tick. Let them interview you too. It’s not about perfect questions – it’s about creating space for real conversations and documenting who they are right now. Era can help you save these precious moments digitally for years to come.

"The questions we ask our children today become the stories they'll tell tomorrow"

Why Document?

Your kids are growing up fast. They’re full of stories, opinions, and endless chatter – about their video games, about some minor detail in an animated movie they saw months ago, about their latest obsession. Or if they’re older, maybe they’ve grown quieter. Either way, these moments are fleeting and worth capturing.


The Interview Process

All you need is a cell phone and a digital camera – hey, even an old school cassette tape recorder will do the trick. You’re going to interview them.

“But I’m not a journalist,” you say. That’s understandable, and interviewing might seem daunting. But really, it’s just having a conversation. You can start off with simple questions you already know the answers to, like what their name is, how old they are, their favorite color. Make it fun, maybe even funny.

After you get comfortable, move into questions that get them to reflect on who they are and what they value, like what their perfect day would be, or what makes them excited about tomorrow. These are the things we don’t necessarily know about them. Don’t force them into any corners, and if they seem uncomfortable with answering? Move on to a new line of questions that don’t put them under pressure.


Making Connections

Don’t be shy about asking follow-up questions. If they mention something in an answer that seems promising, ask them to talk more about that. Remember when your kids used to ask you “why?” to everything you said? Payback time. And turn it around, too. It doesn’t just have to be you asking your kid questions. Flip the script and have them ask you questions, as well. It’s not just about you learning more about them; this is time for both of you to learn about each other and deepen your connection.

In our busy daily lives, it’s easy to miss the little moments that make up our children’s worlds. These conversations create space for both of you to slow down, connect, and create lasting memories together.

Questions to Get Started

  • If you could be anywhere right now, where would you want to be?
  • What is your ideal afternoon like?
  • What’s something you’ve done that you feel super proud of?
  • What do you think about more than anything else?
  • What’s the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever seen?
  • Rainy day or sunny day?
  • What makes you laugh the hardest?

Preserving Memories with Era

Era offers a modern approach to preserving these precious conversations. The platform allows families to create digital time capsules, combining interviews, photos, and memories in one place. This means your child’s unique perspective and personality can be captured and revisited for years to come, creating a beautiful archive of their growth and your family’s journey together.

Start your journey with Era today!

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