Insights & Inspiration

Explore tips, stories, and expert advice to help you reflect, grow, and thrive as a parent.

How to Talk to Your Moody Tween

Dealing with a moody tween requires adjusting your communication style, respecting their growing independence, and using empathy to connect with their experiences. Stop talking to them like little kids, give them age-appropriate responsibilities, and remember your own tween years to better understand their struggles.

How Do I Get My Child to Read?

Help your child develop a love for reading by encouraging storytelling, letting them choose what to read (including comics and graphic novels), and making reading fun rather than a chore. Focus on positive experiences and celebrate their reading achievements.

How Can I Make Homework Time Less Stressful?

Make homework less stressful by finding the right time that works for your child (it doesn’t have to be right after school), creating a comfortable and personalized workspace, using organizational tools like timers and calendars, and maintaining a positive attitude toward mistakes. The key is working with your child’s natural rhythms and needs rather than forcing a one-size-fits-all approach.

How Do I Co-parent with Someone I Hate?

While hating your ex is understandable, research shows kids need healthy relationships with both parents to thrive. Focus on your child's needs rather than your feelings, create a clear parenting plan, and act supportively (even if you have to fake it). Remember: you love your kid more than you hate your ex.

At What Age Should My Kid Stop Wetting the Bed?

Bedwetting is typically normal up to age 7 and often runs in families. While frustrating, it usually resolves on its own and only needs medical attention if it persists beyond age 7 or is accompanied by other symptoms. Practical solutions include earlier dinners, regular bathroom trips before bed, and bedwetting alarms. Most importantly, it's only a problem if it bothers your child.

Why Do Kids Become Picky Eaters?

Picky eating is a normal developmental phase starting around age two, driven by children's growing independence, developing motor and sensory skills, and parents' own food attitudes. Most kids outgrow it by age eight, and with the right approach, you can navigate this challenging phase more effectively.

How Do I Manage My Kid’s Summer Sleep Schedule?

Summer activities often disrupt kids' sleep schedules, but occasional late nights aren't harmful. Stick to routines where possible, create familiar sleep environments on vacation, and gradually adjust bedtimes (15 minutes earlier each night) when returning to normal schedules. Watch for signs of sleep deprivation and model good sleep habits yourself.

How Can I Teach My Child Empathy?

Empathy - the ability to understand and share others' feelings - is crucial for children's development. While it can't be directly taught, children learn empathy by experiencing it from their parents. The key is modeling empathetic behavior, using emotion coaching techniques, and consistently validating your child's feelings. Research shows that children who develop empathy have better self-esteem, academic performance, and fewer behavioral problems.

How Does Free Play Help Kids Learn?

Free play isn't just fun – it's crucial for child development. Through imaginative play, kids develop critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence. When your child turns a cardboard box into a spaceship or stages elaborate stuffed animal tea parties, they're actually building essential life skills they'll use well into adulthood.