TL;DR: Video chatting is safe and beneficial for babies, being the only screen time recommended by pediatricians for children under 18 months. It helps build real emotional connections with distant family members and can support language development. While general screen time should be limited for babies, video calls are a healthy exception that can help maintain important family relationships.
If you live far away from your friends or family, video chat programs – like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or FaceTime – probably feel like a godsend. For the first time in history, it’s possible to see people on the other side of the world in real-time and to catch up over your respective cups of coffee or glasses of wine.
For parents with babies, video chat can seem even more precious; it allows grandparents and other relatives in distant states or countries to see a brand new baby laugh or watch a toddler teeter as they take their first steps. Aunt, uncle, grandma, or grandpa can read stories to kids, watch them play with their favorite toys, and create and maintain relationships in a way that was simply not possible 20 years ago.
While there’s no denying that this technology is convenient – or even downright miraculous – many parents still have concerns when it comes to exposing their kids to screens. As you consider using video chat with your family, you may have questions like:
In Era’s podcast “Fostering Healthy Screen Habits”, we explore the latest research about how screens affect a developing baby’s body and brain – and how that impacts their behavior. We also provide expert recommendations about screen-time and offer ideas for creating rules about screens and content as your child grows.
You may have heard that babies shouldn’t be exposed to screens – and that’s true, with one notable exception. The American Association of Pediatricians recommendations state that:
Initially, experts recommended no screen time at all for infants – but that was revised to allow video chatting because parents were reporting that programs like Skype or Facetime were helping their little ones maintain relationships. In fact, more and more parents are allowing their infants and toddlers to use video chat:
While studies are still ongoing, current results are positive and have found that Skype is safe for your baby. Researchers have shown:
While there’s little doubt that video chatting with your baby is meaningful for the adults on the other side of the screen, many parents wonder if these virtual interactions can help their child form genuine connections.
According to psychologist Dr. Ruth Burman, these experiences do matter, and your child will remember them: “They may not remember in concrete ways, but we hold on to feelings from these early years in an implicit way that doesn’t even have to be verbalized. We have warm feelings about people that we’ve spent time with, and we remember it on an emotional and a sensory level.”
In short, your kids will keep those warm fuzzy feelings about grandma and grandpa in ways they can’t even articulate. Video chatting is safe for your baby, and it’s also beneficial in forming connections that really matter.
While screens have been shown to affect the way a young child’s brain develops and some content has been linked to aggression or behavioral issues, it doesn’t mean that screens are completely evil and should be avoided entirely. Like anything, it depends on how we use them – and how much we use them.
Screens have the potential to connect us across distances long and short, and video chatting lets your baby and your relatives create a bond no matter where they’re located. As your baby grows, you can also use screens to:
Want to document your baby’s video chat moments?
Use Era, the family story app that helps you capture and reflect on these precious connections. With Era’s journal features, you can easily record your baby’s reactions during video calls, track their growing relationships with distant family members, and create a beautiful timeline of these virtual yet meaningful interactions. Download Era today to start preserving these special moments in your family’s journey.
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