When Does Puberty Actually Start?

TL;DR: Puberty typically begins between ages 9-14 for boys and 9-13 for girls, but early signs like body odor can start as early as age 6. The process happens gradually over several years with different physical changes. Early or delayed puberty may require medical attention. Every child’s development timeline is unique and usually normal.

Just the word “puberty” is enough to strike fear into the heart of most parents. Not only does it bring on mood swings and irrational behavior, but it also brings on those physical changes that make it impossible for us to deny that our precious babies are growing into young adults.

While most of us probably have some pretty vivid memories surrounding our own trek through puberty, it feels like a completely different story when we’re talking about our kids. Of course we know what puberty is, but many of us have questions surrounding the process like:

  • When does puberty actually start?
  • What are some of the signs puberty has begun?
  • Should I worry if my kid starts puberty earlier or later than their friends?


When does puberty actually start in boys?

There’s no single event that signifies the beginning of puberty; it’s actually an ongoing process that unfolds in a healthy way over several years. While that process is similar in boys and girls, there are some marked differences in the way puberty unfolds in each sex.

Early development in boys:

  • Adrenarche: Usually begins between ages 6-8
  • The adrenal glands above each kidney release sex hormones called “androgens”
  • These hormones cause: pubic hair, oily skin, oily hair, and body odor

While adrenarche creates many of the signs that a child’s body is maturing, it isn’t the maturing of a boy’s reproductive system.

True puberty in boys:

  • Gonadarche: Typically occurs between ages 9-14
  • This is the development of the testicles (gonads)
  • Physical signs include:
    • Hair under the arms and on the face
    • A bigger adam’s apple
    • A deeper voice
    • Muscle development and growth
    • Body odor and acne (from increased oil production)
  • Boys’ brains send signals to glands in the testicles to begin producing sperm
  • Their bodies become capable of sexual reproduction


How is puberty different for girls?

Like boys, the puberty process in girls starts with adrenarche between ages six and eight. The brain kicks the pituitary gland into action to release those androgens sex hormones – also kicking off the production of pubic hair, oily skin, oily hair, and body odor.

After adrenarche, our girls also experience gonadarche, when the reproductive glands are activated and the ovaries begin to grow. This is the beginning of puberty, and for most girls, it kicks in sometime between nine and 13. It’s followed by thelarche and pubarche, and signs that girls are in puberty include:

  • Enlarging breasts
  • Growth and weight gain
  • Hair under the arms, on the legs, and in the pubic area
  • Body odor and acne (from increased oil production)

Finally, girls reach menarche, when they start menstruation and are capable of sexual reproduction.


Expert Tip: Normal Variations, Early & Delayed Puberty

Normal variations:

  • Average start of puberty:
    • Boys: Between ages 9-14
    • Girls: Between ages 9-13
  • Every child develops at their own pace
  • Some variations are perfectly healthy

Precocious (early) puberty:

  • Also called Central Precocious Puberty (CPP)
  • Defined as puberty starting:
    • Before age 8 in girls
    • Before age 9 in boys
  • Affects approximately 1 in 5,000 children
  • More common in girls
  • Can be difficult for doctors to diagnose
  • Action item: Contact your child’s doctor if you have concerns

Delayed puberty:

  • In boys:
    • Testicles haven’t enlarged by age 14
    • More than 5 years between start and completion of genital development
  • In girls:
    • Breasts haven’t developed by age 13
    • No menstrual periods by age 16
  • May lead to bullying or self-esteem issues
  • Usually not cause for panic
  • Action item: Consult a pediatrician if you’re concerned about your child’s development

Capture Your Child’s Journey with Era

Watching your child grow through these important developmental stages is both challenging and rewarding. With the Era app, you can document your parenting journey, including these pivotal moments in your child’s growth. Era makes journaling simple with photo journaling, and guided prompts specifically designed for parents navigating puberty and other milestones.

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